Thursday, October 31, 2019

Military Regimes in African Countries Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Military Regimes in African Countries - Essay Example The discussions will entail logical arguments behind the various military regimes that have occurred in Africa. The paper will give an analysis of the various military regimes that have taken place in Africa since independence to modern days. Introduction The focus on military regimes can be traced to the period after 1950 when most African countries gained independence. There was a considerable increase in the number of military coups during the 1960s, 70s, and 80s. During this period, a large number of military regimes emerged all over the world. In 1979, fourteen military regimes rose to power in sub-Saharan Africa. Besides the military regimes in Sub-saharan Africa, other regimes held power in Latin America, North Africa, Arab states, South East Asia and East Asia (Falola 2002, p. 235) Because of the tremendous rise of African military regimes, political scientists, historians, sociologists, and economists had a keen interest in studying this form of government. Africa witnessed seventy-one military coups between 1950 and 1990. Since African nations gained independence, a number of military regimes have overthrown the ruling civilian regimes. The military coups replace the government and introduce military rule. In most instances, the military leaders, who take over governance, introduce dictatorial rules (Kieh & Agbese 2004, p. 20). Some of the famous military coups that have taken place in Africa include the Ghanaian coup in 1966, Libyan military coup in 1969 led by Muammar Gaddafi and the Ugandan coup in 1971 led by Idi Amin. Gaddafi led a group of young Libyan military officers in a bloodless coup that saw the overthrowing of King Idris I. In Uganda, Idi Amin succeeded in ending the rule of Milton Obote. Other military coups have happened in countries such as Nigeria, Congo, Togo, among others (Baynham 1986, p. 38). Rating performance of military regimes in Africa Military coups in Africa can be explained by general factors applicable to the entire cont inent. A keen look at the past military coups indicates a common trend in military coups. Almost all countries in Africa that have had military coups seem to have the same reasons for the eruption of the military coups. From 1960 to 1970, a number of African nations witnessed military coups. Historians have regarded this period as a decade of coups in Africa (Kieh & Agbese 2004, p. 22). Once a coup erupted in one country, it became a phenomenon in other nations. Coups swept across the entire African continent at an alarming rate. Based on this, the rise of military regimes in Africa emerges from general factors applicable to the entire continent. The paper will now focus on the factors that have led to the rise of military regimes in Africa. In an attempt to preserve authority, states have embraced the use of coercion. As a result, some government institutions play the role of enhancing coercion. This reality has significantly directed debates surrounding politics in postcolonial Af rica. The government needs coercive agencies, such as the police and military, which should be obedient to political leaders. However, this has not succeeded in Africa. In many instances, the military has used violent means to initiate coup d’etats. This is a contradiction since the military should manage violence on behalf of the state (Thomson 2010, p. 135). A notable factor responsible for military coups in A

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Solving problem of elctrodynamic Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Solving problem of elctrodynamic - Assignment Example As before, the procedure for determining the Greens function is to split. The region of interest in to two parts (one on each side of the observation point), and separate solutions of the Laplace equation that satisfy the boundary conditions of every region, and then join the two solutions at the source point such that their values match up but the first derivative (in whichever dimension we chose sides) has a finite discontinuity. The solution in the first region must be admissible down to which excludes the in term and the negative powers of p. However, these terms may be included in the solutions for region in second place. In individually regions, the solution must vanish at which excludes the cos terms Henceforth when the electromagnetic disturbance has reached the origin, the particle has traveled as far as the electromagnetic disturbance did, but in the opposite direction, so it is now twice as far from the origin as it was when the disturbance we are just now feeling was generated. The electric fields do not depend on the unprimed variables and come out of the integrals, which was the point of the Taylor sequences expansion. After a little manipulation, we recognize the integrals that are left as the dipole moment and quadrupole moments d) If, instead of the semi-classical charge density used above, the electron in the 2p state was described by a circular Bohr orbit of radius , rotating with the transition frequency w0, what would the predicted power be? Express your answer in the same units as in part b and evaluate the ratio of the powers numerically. b) We now want to calculate the ï ¬ elds from the potentials. This is mostly straight forward, albeit tedious, algebra. We need to remember that the dipole moment is evaluated at the retarded time, so that there is an implicit time dependence in p (t0) a) Starting with the Proca Lagrangian density (12.91) and following the same procedure as for the electro

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Muscular Dystrophy: Symptoms, Causes and Treatments

Muscular Dystrophy: Symptoms, Causes and Treatments Muscular Dystrophy Background Information: Muscular dystrophy (MD) is a genetic disorder that causes the deterioration of skeletal muscles, the muscles that enable the human body to move. People with muscular dystrophy have missing or incorrect information within their genes, which prohibits the development of the proteins they need for healthy muscles. Due to fact that muscular dystrophy is genetic, it is not contagious or contractible from another person; a person must be born with the problem. Muscular dystrophy breaks down muscles over a period of time, causing the patients of the disease to gradually lose their ability to do daily and simple tasks, like sitting up or bending down. A patient with muscular dystrophy may have symptoms as a baby or later on in their life. Duchenne muscular dystrophy, also known as DMD, the most common type of muscular dystrophy, is caused by the incorrect information with the gene called dystrophin. The function of this gene is to help muscle cells keep their strength and shape. Without the presence of this gene, muscles begin to deteriorate and a person’s health becomes weaker. Duchenne muscular dystrophy is one of the types that affect boys, and symptoms of the disease begin to show between the ages of two and six. Most children with duchenne muscular dystrophy will require transportation by wheelchair by the age of ten or twelve. Patients with duchenne muscular dystrophy may experience heart complications, and need to be meticulously monitored by pulmonologists and cardiologists. They can also develop scoliosis and tightness in their joints. DMD is a muscle degenerative disease. Muscles that control essential tasks, like breathing may grow weak, requiring the patient to use a ventilator. Treatments Diagnosis: A basic physical exam will be performed by the doctor to look for the general signs of muscular dystrophy. Following this examination, the doctor will request information about your medical history. This includes any concerns you have, your past health, any medications you are currently taking, your immediate family’s health, any allergies you may have, and other matters. Blood tests can help the doctor narrow down which type of muscular dystrophy a person has and eliminate the possibility of other genetic diseases that damage nerves or muscles. One blood test analyzes the components of the patients blood, including, the levels of the enzyme, serum creatine kinase, and the levels of certain proteins that are responsible for chemical changes in the body. Abnormally high levels of serum creatine kinase in the blood from muscle cells indicates that the enzyme is causing damage to the muscle. Other blood tests are used to identify the presence of dystrophin, which is a gene that regulates muscle health and its shape. Blood tests are available to create a diagnostic from some of these disorders. There are also a few types of tests that look into the DNA of the patient. Different types of blood tests can be useful in diagnosing duchenne muscular dystrophy, and also a numerous amount of different types of muscular dystrophy. In some cases, a muscle biopsy is recommended. This procedure includes the doctor detaching a small sample of muscle tissue and analyzing it under the lens of a microscope. If a person is ill with muscular dystrophy, the sample of muscle tissue will visually show some abnormally enlarged fibers, and also evidence of fiber deterioration in different areas. How Is MD Treated? There is not a cure yet for muscular dystrophy, but any doctors and scientists are researching different methods to find a cure. Some scientists are trying to repair the abnormal genes that lead to muscular dystrophy so they will make the right proteins. Another group of scientists are trying to make chemicals and new medicines that will carry out the functions of the abnormal proteins in the body. Every single one of these scientists are working hard so that these chemical and genetic fixes will assist and hopefully cure the frail muscles to work properly in people with muscular dystrophy. There are a few activities children and adults alike can do by themselves to help their muscles. Certain stretches and therapy can help people with muscular dystrophy avoid stiffening of the muscles near the joints, also called contractures, which make mobility difficult and lock the joints in painful positions. In many cases, teenagers are equipped with custom braces to protect flexible joints and tendons. In a few cases, surgery is used to reduce the amount of pain and increase mobility that was reduced from contractures. Some of our body functions, like breathing, depend on certain muscles to properly work. A few patients with muscular dystrophy need artificial respiratory aids, such as a ventilator, to enable them to breathe. If a person was diagnosed with muscular dystrophy during childhood, that child may suffer complications including scoliosis, as a result of weakened muscles and joint inflexibility. For some variations of muscular dystrophy medication can be beneficial. For example, males with duchenne muscular dystrophy may be helped by a prescription called prednisone, and patients of myotonic muscular dystrophy might use the drug, mexilitine, to relax very tight muscles. Currently no scientific cure has been found for Muscular Dystrophy, disregarding its specific form. However, this is not a cause to be disheartened as various types of therapy and drugs are available and can assist a patient with DMD into their adult years. In order for you as a parent to fully develop an understanding about therapies available to your child, as this article continues, we will further discuss a rough outline of the benefits your child will be offered under the care of a specialist. Please keep in mind that these are only possible options that your child may choose from depending on how strongly he is being affected. These therapies also coexist with a clean diet and moderate exercise so as to keep your child as happy and healthy as possible. Most medical care for cases of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy include steroids such as glucocorticoids, prednisolone, and deflazacort.These medications are meant to delay muscle deterioration among other things and could quite possi bly be taken in repetitive or continuous periods of time. Before giving your child these medications, we humbly advise you to further research about their side-effects that they might hold. Some people with DMD acquire osteoporosis or thinning of the bones which may be caused by steroid treatment. This can be prevented by allowing your child’s intake of Vitamin D to increase whether by taking him out to enjoy the sunlight, by drinking lots of milk, by taking dietary supplements, or by taking bisphosphonates. If your child faces complications towards breathing, you might consider non-invasive ventilation which is simply a mask which delivers pressurised air to your child with minimal intervention in daily activities. Your child will have occasional ECG’s and may have to take certain drugs like beta-blockers to assist a weakening heart. Physical and occupational therapy are both liable and recommended courses of action for your child. For further information about DMD tr eatment please contact your local specialist. We are here to inform you, not discourage. If you have any troubles please feel free to contact us and talk it out. We are always willing to listen to your troubles. Please contact your doctor right away if any unusual symptoms or worsening occurs. Current Research: Although frustrating, current research has not yielded very many breakthroughs on new treatments and therapy for muscular dystrophy. Many treatments are short-term and are only able to prolong the lives of patients with MD. There are many research facilities as well as non-profit organizations currently involved in the development of new forms of medical care but drug development is somewhat delayed due to all the complicated processes needed to ensure its safety. In the lead is the NINDS (National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke) and the other institutes that fall under the umbrella of the National Institutes of Health (NIH). They are working diligently so that your child may benefit from modern-day technological advancements that will soon cleanse him of DMD. Recently, small scientific discoveries have been made that might lead to treatment production progress. Santhera, a pharmaceutical company, announced that Catena/Roxone might contribute to the delay of weakening abilities to respire. Another recent study was testing drugs commonly known as cialis and viagra. In a trial, young boys diagnosed with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy were given a single dose of this drug and their blood flow to their muscles shot up. It is believed that this surge of blood flow may contribute to the delay of muscle deterioration, but has yet to be scientifically proven. Just a couple days ago a biotech company, Prosensa updated the scientific world about its latest program. They are planning to begin giving out doses of Drisapersen which is shown to skip over exon 51 in dystrophin and has shown promising results. For further updates on medical treatment for DMD and when it will be readily available to the global market, please feel free to contact us at our toll-free number during office hours and/or subscribe to our weekly emails in which we discuss the latest news concerning your child’s shining future. Why is its name Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy? What is the definition of Muscular dystrophy? Duchenne muscular dystrophy was named after its discoverer, the French neurologist, Guillaume-Benjamin-Amand Duchenne. The term muscular dystrophy is created by several numbers of medical terminology prefixes, word roots, and suffixes. Firstly, the word â€Å"muscular†, contains the word root â€Å"musc† which means muscle. The suffix of â€Å"muscular†, is â€Å"-ar,† which can be defined as â€Å"pertaining to.† The word â€Å"muscular,† means â€Å"pertaining to muscle.† Secondly, the word â€Å"dystrophy,† is composed of the prefix, â€Å"dys-,† and the suffix â€Å"-trophy.† The prefix â€Å"dys-â€Å"has the definition of â€Å"painful/difficult,† and the suffix â€Å"-trophy,† means â€Å"development.† In full, muscular dystrophy can be defined as â€Å"painful and difficult development that pertains to the muscle.† What are Genes A gene is the one sided unit that is passed down from generation to generation. A person can have changes (or mutations) in their genes which have the ability to cause many health problems for the person hosting the malfunctioning genes. Depending on the type of change, the effect can be small; like a change in eye color, or it can lead to major health issues. Mutations in a person’s genes results in the malfunctioning of genes. Within biology, we have learnt that in certain cases, there is a dominant gene that can hide the defective gene, which may also be called a recessive gene. In these cases, the dominant gene is strong enough to dampen the recessive trait, and keep the body functioning as it is supposed to. A person or any other organism can be born with gene mutations, or they can develop mutations over the years in their lives. If the gene mutation is present within the egg or sperm cells of the parents, the children/offspring can have the gene mutation passed down to them by their parents. When such a case as this occurs, the mutation is present within every cell of the body, and the human body is not able to fix the mutation on its own.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Crime Essay -- essays research papers

Crime In general the definition of a crime is an act punishable by law, usually considered an evil act. Crime refers to many types of misconduct forbidden by law. Crimes include such things as murder, stealing a car, resisting arrest, possession or dealing of illegal drugs, being nude in public , drunk driving, and bank robbery. Crime is an act that has been timeless and has been committed practically since the start of time. For example, ever since Cain killed his brother Abel (B.C.), people being charged with witchcraft in the 1600’s, prostitution, to the current crimes of modern day(A.D.). Even though crime has existed throughout time it has progressed and branched out taking many types forms. Crimes are classified in different ways. They are usually grouped according to the seriousness of the offense and according to the motives of the offenders. Such crimes may include economic crimes, political crimes, crimes of passion and organized crime. Crimes are often divided between acts that most people would consider evil and acts that lawmakers decide should be regulated in the interest of the community. The first group includes such major crimes as arson, assault, breach of the peace, burglary, kidnapping, larceny, murder, rape, and robbery. The second group includes crimes of a "rapidly growing urban society." These crimes include violations of income tax laws, liquor control regulations, pure food an... Crime Essay -- essays research papers Crime In general the definition of a crime is an act punishable by law, usually considered an evil act. Crime refers to many types of misconduct forbidden by law. Crimes include such things as murder, stealing a car, resisting arrest, possession or dealing of illegal drugs, being nude in public , drunk driving, and bank robbery. Crime is an act that has been timeless and has been committed practically since the start of time. For example, ever since Cain killed his brother Abel (B.C.), people being charged with witchcraft in the 1600’s, prostitution, to the current crimes of modern day(A.D.). Even though crime has existed throughout time it has progressed and branched out taking many types forms. Crimes are classified in different ways. They are usually grouped according to the seriousness of the offense and according to the motives of the offenders. Such crimes may include economic crimes, political crimes, crimes of passion and organized crime. Crimes are often divided between acts that most people would consider evil and acts that lawmakers decide should be regulated in the interest of the community. The first group includes such major crimes as arson, assault, breach of the peace, burglary, kidnapping, larceny, murder, rape, and robbery. The second group includes crimes of a "rapidly growing urban society." These crimes include violations of income tax laws, liquor control regulations, pure food an...

Thursday, October 24, 2019


Additionally, the Triple Entente expended about 1 00 million pounds and est. mated about 225 million during the year of the war (Doc C). The two alliances spent a large ammo nut on their militia for several reasons. Foremost, if one country used money to make thee r military power erupts others, the neighboring provisions felt compelled to do the same, an d perhaps even exceed the surrounding nations in order to not become underdeveloped com pared to the rest.For example, Below of Germany announced that, â€Å"We don't ever want to become ‘the slaves of humanity. † (Doc D) Moreover, as the countries with more powerful militaries became increasingly more dominant, smaller countries, such as Germany, were forced to make a decision to become â€Å"a hammer or an anvil† (Doc D) and soon focused on strengthening g their defense and opposing British power, all of which they could not do without multiplying mill tart costs (Doc C).This alarmed the largest countries and d ue to the fact that they possessed a prepared force and a stock of arms, the leaders refused to seek more a more reasonable late ruminative in favor of Anonymous. â€Å"Militarism. † Dictionary. Com, 2014. Web, 14 Deck 2014. Http://en. Wisped. Org/wick/Militarism war. By the time World War I began in 1914, all of Europe was modernized an d troops fully prepared as a result Of the armaments race and militarism.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Basic Skills Test

While growing up we have ideas about what we want to do with our life when we graduate from high school. These decisions include: going to college, picking a major, and figuring out where you want to go after college. I wanted to go to Western Illinois University and declare a major in the elementary education program because Western Illinois has a good teacher education program. I always wanted to become a teacher since I was a little girl, because my first grade teacher has inspired me to become a wonderful educator. One of the requirements for education majors is to take the Illinois certification test, which is the Basic Skills test. The Basic Skills test is a certified test that is composed in variety of subjects that an educator needs to know before getting a teacher’s certificate. In order to be approved for teaching in the state of Illinois, you must pass this test. Furthermore, should the Basic Skills be considered a requirement into the education program? According to the Chicago Sun-Times, in 2010 Linda Tomlinson, Assistant Superintendent at the State Board of Education, said, â€Å"some would-be teachers have failed the current test at least 20 times†. However, recent changes now give teaching candidates only five chances to pass (Rossi Rosalind, Chicago Sun Times). I know now that I was not the only one who did not pass the Basic Skills test the first time. Whenever I hear how important this test is from my advisor and even from other education majors around me, I get nervous. Testing is required of candidates seeking an Illinois teaching license since 1988. The only way I can continue in education next semester is to pass the test. After reading this article, I am afraid I won’t be able to major in education anymore because of lack of test-taking skills. I’m not a good test taker because of test anxiety which includes time, forgetting the information, and getting nervous before the big test. If I fail the Basic Skills test a third time, I might have to consider changing my major. I do not want to change my major, because I know I would enjoy teaching very much. If you do not pass the test after five times, you are not allowed to teach in the state of Illinois. According to the Chicago Tribune, in 2011 an unknown â€Å"reporter† said; â€Å"No, we're not rooting for aspiring educators to fail. But we are rooting to see only the best candidates become teachers† (Chicago Tribune). As a future educator, I am opposed to this idea that college students are not becoming teachers because they are failing the Basic Skills. The statistics that updated each year from different universities are losing students who want to become future educators. Taking the Basic Skills test for future educators is harder than you think it would be; because you need to have the knowledge of a future educator when taking this type of state assessment. Most college students have to make a decision about backup plans after realizing that they didn’t pass the test. It would be disappointment knowing that you worked hard, you are halfway through college, and now you can’t continue with your major. I think that the state board of education should rethink the testing procedures because there is more to teaching than just being able to pass the test. For example, future educators can get observed by their work of teaching, have an interview process about the literacy of teaching, and many other kinds of processes that could be established in a college setting to prepare students to become excellent educators. The Basic Skills is one of the most important tests that future educators have seen, taken, or studied for. As a first time test-taker, our job is to research what the test is all about, what is the Basic Skills? More importantly, what is a test? Some people can say that a test is a series of questions that tests our knowledge; or a test can be defined, â€Å"as a particular process or method for trying or assessing (â€Å"Oxford English Dictionary†). † The Basic Skills is a test where you get certification to teach in the state of Illinois. The test considers four different sub sections reading, language arts, mathematics, and writing (Illinois Leisure Testing System). The results I’ve heard from my advisor, and researching some statistics from other Illinois school; there are many future educators who have failed the Basic Skills. Because of that, they are out of the teacher education program. The teacher education program is based on a series of tasks that are required to be pass before moving onto the next level (Jeanne Gage, Advisor). Some of the tasks to be considered are: passing major course classes in college, writing a reflective paper, and aving test taking skills. Returning to the certification process, I ask myself what is certification? Is there a certification just like the Basic Skills? Certification means â€Å"an official document attesting a certain fact, in particular† (Oxford English Dictionary). There are many different types of certification from ownership, achievement, and marriages. For the Basic Skills it’s considered an achievement certification. Teacher certification is known as â€Å"document of proof† that a teacher can use to become a teacher in a school setting. Anyone can take this test and get a teaching certification. You may think that a certification can be easy, as it seems; but not a certification that requires testing abilities and some college classwork. Just like taking your driver’s test to get your license to drive, the teaching certification requires a series of test questions relating to a common course setting and some basic skill methods you learned in school. You may wonder if any other profession has a similar test like the educators do. Lets take a future college student who wants to become a lawyer and what kind of test that he or she would have to take. In research, if a student wants to become a lawyer in the state of his or her choice. The student must take the Bar examination to become a certified lawyer. What is a Bar examination? The Bar examination is a rigid test of knowledge in all fields of law (Illinois State Bar Association). Just like the Basic Skills for educators, the future lawyers have to prepare in a similar fashion to future educators. The difference is the educator is tested in reading, language arts, math, and writing; while the lawyer has to know the different aspects of law that exist today. Another example is a college student who wants to get into the nursing program. All students who want to become a nurse have to take the HESI exam in order to be certified as a nurse. What is the HESI exam? The Health Education Systems Inc. is a timed, computerized test that consists of six academic exams: reading comprehension, vocabulary and general knowledge, grammar, basic math skills, biology and anatomy, and physiology (TMCC). This test is similar to the Basic Skills, but has only two extra subjects that need to be taken. No matter if you’re an educator, a lawyer, or a nursing major there is a test for every type of career that is required to be passed. In the beginning of my research, I have found that many future educators have not passed the Basic Skills. When I thought about how these future educators have not completed the Basic Skills; there should be an alternative process and still become an educator. What would be the opposite of a certificate? I have found no answer to this question: but, in my opinion an optional choice for certification for educators should be this. They should be able to pass all major college courses with a B or above. If a student can be able to get all of their classes passed with this requirement, they can be able to teach after college. Why is the Basic Skills the best way to certify our future educators? Is the state board making the best choice for every future educator? The Basic Skills is the best way to certify our future educators so that each individual should be able to understand the concepts when put into a classroom full of students. Without taking this test, the future educators won’t know what is supposed to be taught when it comes to teaching. For example, if a future educator hasn’t looked at the test, they wouldn’t be able to understand the concepts that are being tested. The state board is making the best choice to have future educators take this test; they need to know if they are the best educators. If we had poor educators, then how would our future students be able to learn their basic skills the correct way? How does the Basic Skills test accomplish its goals? According to the Oxford English Dictionary the definitions of accomplish is known â€Å"as achieve or complete successfully. Oxford English Dictionary)† The purpose of this test is to have future educators be able to accomplish the main standards in Illinois. As of October-December of 2012 only 31 percent out of 3,153 test takers have passed the Basic Skills (Illinois State Board of Education). It is a disappointment that we can’t get more than 31 percent to pass this test. In more depth, from September 2008-August 2011 at Western Illinois University 1,823 students have attempted the test; with having 1,777 students passed the test. But, at Eastern Illinois University 3,910 students have attempted; 3,773 have passed the test (Illinois State Board of Education). Since we don’t want any future educators to fail the Basic Skills, we don’t want to bring down the teacher rate in the near future. The question that we should think about is, should we keep the Basic Skills test or have another option into getting a certification in the State of Illinois? People may wonder if this Basic Skills test has a cost. There is a fee that requires to be paid in order to take the Basic Skills. For example, the Basic Skills test costs about $120 and each different sub section costs about $99. If one future educator has not passed any of the sub sections, they are required to repay $120. If another future educator only passed three of the sub sections, they only have to pay $99 (Illinois Leisure Testing System). I think that it’s ridiculous because we future educators can’t afford these prices, and we cannot afford to buy another examination test. With the economy being a problem in our society, how are we supposed to take a test that costs too much money? This is considered one issue about the Basic Skills and should be reconsidered for future educators. Throughout many generations, a future educator has been through many different processes of becoming a teacher. Recently, to get into the education program, future educators have to take the Basic Skills test to be determined if they are considered an educator. My question I like to consider, how did past future educators become certify as educators? Did they have to take the Basic Skills many years ago? Did they have a whole different certification process compare to what we have today? From my research, I’ve found out many interesting facts on how future educators were certify in past. New Jersey examinees had to take a written examination and receive a high rating in order to get certified in 1983. New Jersey educators would have to write a long essay on what they would be considered for the teaching job; skills, ability, lesson planning, etc. Other than taking the written portion they also accept the state examination that is considered the basic skills; the only difference compared to 1983 is they only had a writing portion instead of multiple assessments and know that they are willing to take the step up in the classroom management developmental process. It’s considered as a student’s choice in New Jersey whether these future educators want to take a huge writing portion and also decide to take the Basic Skills as an optional choice. Another state that I found interesting in the same period is known as the sunny state of Florida. In this journal a debate was in progress on whether the basic skills should be determined as a minimum competency scoring level or have a more higher education and pass a type of GED test that can be require for a certification. Since testing was huge in Florida, college students had the option to become educators but they were the ones to determine their future. This journal has been dated back in 1983 when there was a debate on whether future educators should have an option of choosing a simple exam compare to more of a challenging exam (Florida’s Minimum Competency Program: A Survey of Teacher’s Options). In this journal there are some evaluations charts that show the results of what the future educators consider as a new requirement. For example, â€Å"the Minimum Competency approach will probably result in minimum skills becoming maximum skills†; voters of education majors have marked this type of debate as 37. % agreement, 16% neither, and 46. 3% disagreement. (Florida's Minimum Competency Program: A Survey of Teachers' Opinions) The vote and other ballots have determined efficiency on how teaching requirements could be changed in 1983 (Florida Minimum Competency Program). These ratings/charts can be found on this journal if you need more information on how the voting process has worked and an explanation on each de bate. California, a state providing a large portion of the nations educators, recently had a survey attempting to better understand how educators are assessed. Most of these cases came from interviews, standardized tests, and most importantly how they contributed in a classroom setting (Teacher’s Perspective on Competency-Based Testing). With the different types of observations that were made among the future educators and their observers; the information that was given by the observer, are put into a chart to determined the typical requirements for a California teaching license. Some of the information presented in these charts are what scores each observer have, the percentage of determination, and lastly if they are qualified for the teaching certificate. There is also more information on how the certification process and even some recommendations that can be used for future educators in 1991 (Teacher’s Perspective on Competency-Based Testing). In the state of Illinois there are requirements for a teacher certification from 1919. If you were to become an educator, you had to follow a credit system that is given to you at the beginning of your application fee. A credit system is the based amount of points that you will receive after completing each task. Indeed, back in 1919 you were supposed to fill out an application and pay a small fee in order to begin your application into the field of education. There are also certain sub-sections that are require to be accomplished in order to receive a certification. For example, 35 points for successful teaching, 30 points for attending at the annual institute, 8 points for attending eight one-hour at the superintendent board of education meetings, and there is also many other requirements that are needed to receive the points towards a teacher certificate (Certification of Teachers in Illinois). In my opinion, getting a teacher certification seems pretty easy when you lived back in 1919; because you only have to follow a credit system and not take any kind of assessments that is presented in Illinois today. Most importantly I wish that this could be a permanent option instead of taking the basic skills test for the state of Illinois. No matter what state you’re determined to live in, there is a certain way that there will be a certification test for any future educator. As of today, all fifty states including the state of Illinois are required to take the Basic Skills test in order to become certified as an Illinois teacher. A question to be considered should it be easy to become a teacher? Or would many college students have to rethink of a new major before coming into college? The Basic Skills test is a required test taken by students wanting to become educators. The Basic Skills test is an examination that consists of reading, language arts, math, and writing. These future educators would have to take this examination before moving on into their method courses. In most research, students have failed the Basic Skills test the first time they took it (JSTOR, Google, ERIC). For example, only 31 percent of all test takers have passed while the other 69 percent are still struggling in the state of Illinois (Illinois State Board of Education). There are many resources online including: Illinois Leisure Testing, Test Prep Review, and also some other University websites that can help students to prepare for the Basic Skills. I’ve used all of these websites to help me get some preparations done for the big test date and they are very helpful. There are also preparation classes that are offered in selected universities taught by professors involved in education. Some classes includes: introduction to the Basic Skills, classes for each of the sub section of the test, and just some classes that have tutors who already passed the Basic Skills to help other students. Western Illinois University offers these classes each semester along with Eastern Illinois University, University of Illinois Champaign, and University Illinois Chicago. Recently, the Illinois state board of education allows you to take the ACT instead of the Basic Skills. There are also preparation classes that are offered around the community and online just for the ACT. Taking down some evaluations of future educators, they say that these prep classes work because they have passed the test with the extra help. Many of these resources can help students become more familiar with the test and also have a refresher on many of the subjects that being tested in each of the examinations. Many future educators have failed the Basic Skills and have to decide what to do to not make the same mistakes. Recently, there are many different types of online preparation including study guides, helpful hints, and a practice test to help future educators can get more practice with the test format, or even on a single sub section that he or she needs more help on. These preparation courses are huge among students who want to become educators after graduation. Many of these programs include: Pearson and Stanford Excellence. These companies have come up with completed study guides and some helpful tips when it comes to test day. Google is also another source to look up preparation materials for the test; and it’s very helpful for those who are in danger to pass the test. Cost is considered another reason why many future educators are frustrated over the examination. Do you remember when I mentioned how much a test cost for potential new educator; it costs more than buying a week worth of groceries if you think of it. Many institutions are working on making free preparation classes for students who are in need of practice for the Basic Skills. This semester at Western Illinois University, the education department has taken time to ask many professors to coordinate free preparation classes for students in need of math, reading, and language arts. Not only Western Illinois University has to offer these preparation classes, but many other institutions including: Eastern Illinois University, Illinois State University, and University of Illinois in Champaign. These universities have taken their time to offer classes that can help future educators pass the Basic Skills before moving on into the next step of the career. Besides all of the preparation courses that are offered at institutions, I have taken some time to look at some of the other states in our country regarding about the Basic Skills. California has a policy that students can take an alternative procedure of the Basic Skills and still get into the teacher education program. This policy is considered of having an early alternative admission plan; where students can still take most of their classes and get a low score on their examination (Coping with the CBEST: Alternative and Inclusive Approaches). Unfortunately, as of today this process has been removed from the California State Board of Education; because the State Board has decided to become familiar with a Basic Skills test just like all of the states are doing for their teacher requirements. In my opinion I wish that this process would take over the new requirements for becoming an educator; because if students would like to take classes early and remove their scores from the system. They will be able to get their teacher certification within a breeze of time. Recently in the state of Illinois, the State Board of Education has approved n alternative test arrangement for students who do not want to take the Basic Skills. Every student should know when applying for colleges during their senior year of high school, they have to take the ACT. But, educators can retake their ACT and pass it with a 22 to bypass the Basic Skills. Another option includes the SAT and educators would have to get a score of 1030. Both of these examin ations are required to be less than ten years old from the test date and must include the writing portion of the examination (Illinois Administrative Rule Change). This portion of the certification process can help students who had a hard time with the Basic Skills and be able to take the examinations for less than half the cost of the Basic Skills. The Basic Skills test is a require examination that students have to take before they are educators. In this essay alone, I have found many interesting facts regarding to the Basic Skills within the state of Illinois and even a few other states. Including some of the history, facts, and solutions about this examination. I also hope that this work will help not only myself, but for future educators that are willing to go into the teacher education program. The only way to be able to succeed in the teacher education program is to be able to prepare future educators with this examination. Especially with the solutions I provided in this essay, it should be very helpful to many college students not only around the state of Illinois; but the other 49 states that are involved in this process. The Basic Skills is a required examination, and it’s one of the most important steps in the teaching career.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

D Giovanni-Conflict in Emotion essays

D Giovanni-Conflict in Emotion essays Don Giovanni: Simultaneous Conflicting Emotions Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart conceals some very complicated techniques of musical emotion in his music for the stage. Among these is his ability to convey not mixed emotions, but separate, conflicting emotions and events involving multiple characters in one scene. An example of this genius is found in his opera "Don Giovanni." I chose the 1977 Glyndebourne Festival Production. I will be analyzing the finale of Act I, score measures 415 to 457. I think it most effective to not skip around in the score, but rather straight through, and you will see that not only does Mozart creates multiple emotions, he also has them overlapping as in the finale of Act I. This scene is a party thrown by Don Giovanni. Starting in measure 415, Leporello is starting the whole group to dance, and his words are conveyed in a smooth, convincing style, so as to keep the general group out of the loop. Donna Elvira comments to Donna Anna that Don Giovanni's voice has given him away, and these words are expressed with short, choppy rhythms, almost recitative-like, indicating a hint of animosity.(mm 417-18) Donna Anna replies, expressing her hurt in a series of long, high descending notes.(mm 418-19) Don Ottavio responds to them in a recitative fashion, yet melodic as if to convey the hiding of vengeful feeling for the moment and to pretend to enjoy an evening of dancing.(mm 420-21) At this point, Don Giovanni and Leporello comment in a relieved melodic duet that everything is good so far.(mm 423-25) Then Masetto sings triumphantly that in his observation, the evening is going well, too.(mm 425-29) Is it though? This amplifies Masetto's ignorance of two t hings - one, that Zerlina is emotionally troubled, and two, that he knows nothing of Don Giovanni's impending plan. When Don Giovanni realizes this, he quickly commands Leporello to distract Masetto away from Zerlina. His tone is sung in short, cut ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Clasical essays

Clasical essays Big band refers to a jazz group of 10 or more musicians, usually featuring at least three trumpets, two or more trombones, four or more saxophones, and a rhythm section of accompanists playing some combination of piano, guitar, bass, and drums. Big-band music as a concept for music fans is identified most with the swing era, though there were large, jazz-oriented dance bands before the swing era of the 1930s and 1940s and large jazz-oriented bands after the swing era. Classification difficulties occur when music stores shelve recordings by all large jazz ensembles as though it were a single style, despite the shifting harmonic and rhythmic approaches employed by new ensembles of similar instrumentation that have formed since the swing era. By lumping the music of all large jazz bands together marketers overlook the different kinds of jazz that large groups have performed: swing (Duke Ellington and Count Basie), bebop (Dizzy Gillespie), cool (Gerry Mulligan, Miles Davis, Shorty Rogers, Gil Evans), hard bop (Gerald Wilson, Charles Mingus), free jazz (some of Sun Ra's work after the l950s) and jazz-rock fusion (Don Ellis's and Maynard Ferguson's groups of the 1970s). Not all of them are swing bands. Many listeners consider big band to denote an idiom, not just an instrumentation. For them, the strategies of arranging and soloing that were established during the 1930s link all large jazz ensembles more than the different rhythmic and harmonic concepts dis- tinguishing those of one era, for example, bebop, from those of another, for example, jazz-rock. Another important consideration that journalists and jazz fans of the 1930s and 1940s drew was the distinction between bands that conveyed the most hard-driving rhythmic qualities and frequent solo improvisations and those that conveyed less pronounced swing feeling and improvisation. The former were called swing bands or hot bands (for example, Count Basie's and Duke Ellington's bands)...

Saturday, October 19, 2019


The virtuous person always exhibits an affectation in the appropriate amount. -for ex. Truthfulness: virtue regarding telling the truth about oneself? Defect: self-depreciating Excess: phony omnipotence- all power and unlimited power †¢Distinguish goods that are, according to Aristotle, valued for the sake of other things, valued for their own sake, and valued for their own sake and for the sake of other things you want some things that gets you other stuff. or example money so its a sake for other things. valued for own sake-having a yacht gives you pleasure but then enjoying it with more friends and travel the world and give you more pleasure. the one good. happiness is the one thing that every one wants and is valued for its own sake. That which is valued only for its own sake and for whose sake everything else is desired †¢That which is valued for its own sake and for the sake of other things †¢That which is valued only for the sake of other things Discuss why Aristotle rejects conventional views that identify happiness with pleasure, honor, and virtue, and what he thinks this tells us about the nature of happiness Aristotle rejects three common conceptions of happiness—pleasure, honor, and wealth. Happiness, he says, cannot be identified with any of these things (even though all three may be part of an overall happy life). Pleasure, he says, is found in satisfying desires—but whether or not we can satisfy our desires is as much up to chance as it is up to us. †¢The life of pleasure. Problem: the life fit for a pig †¢The life of honor. Problem: not under our control †¢The life of virtue. Problem: compatible with inaction †¢Distinguish between psychological, somatic, and external goods, explaining how they contribute to Aristotle’s conception of happiness External goods- attractiveness, wealth.. Psychological Goods- mental health.. Somatic goods- â€Å"Nonetheless, happiness evidently needs external goods to be added, as we said, since we cannot, or cannot easily, do fine actions if we lack the resources. For, first of all, in many actions we use friends, wealth, and political power just as we use instruments. Further, deprivation of certain things —for instance, good birth, good children, beauty— mars our blessedness. For we do not altogether have the character of happiness if we look utterly repulsive or are ill-born, solitary, or childless; and we have it even less, presumably, if our children or friends are totally bad, or were good but have died †¢Discuss the roles of habituation and right reason in Aristotle’s analysis of virtuous action function of human beings is knowledge and it what eparates from animals. virtuous action is what a rational person who acts for the right reason. but you also have to feel the correct emotions and feelings to do virtuous actions and be properly affected which means that you find the right things pleasant. and wants to do the right thing. so if you dont feel like you want to give money to homeless and still give it it do es not count as a virtous thing. the teachers ice cream technique- dont want to do it but do it for ice cream but over time the kids want to do it because it is the virtuous thing to do. Identify and describe Aristotle’s three requirements for friendship and his three different kinds of friendship Pleasure-friendships- Most common among theyoung, fades easily utility-friendships,- most common among the old and also fades easily. character-friendships- You love a person because of the good qualities she or he possesses. genuine friendship. †¢Explain what Aristotle means when he claims that friends are â€Å"second selves† â€Å"A friend is a second self, so that our consciousness of a friends existence makes us more fully conscious of our own existence. and Friendly relations with one’s neighbors, and the marks by which friendships are defined, seem to have proceeded from a man’s relation with himself. For men think a friend is one who wishes well and does what is good, or seems so, for the sake of his friend, or one who wishes his friend to exist and live, for his sake† †¢Explain why Aquinas thinks God’s existence is self-evident, why it nonetheless may not be evident to us, and how Aquinas thinks God’s existence can be made evident Not every human realizes the existence of god. †¢Examples of self-evident propositions: A pig is an animal; a bachelor is an unmarried male †¢Being self-evident in itself versus self-evident to us †¢Aquinas: â€Å"I maintain that God exists is self-evident in itself since its subject and predicate are identical†¦[but] the proposition is not self-evident to us† (197). †¢Question 02: can God’s existence be made evident? †¢Perhaps God’s existence is an article of faith, not of reason †¢Ã¢â‚¬Å"There are two types of demonstration: those that argue from cause to effect†¦and those that argue from effect to cause† (198). †¢Hitting a pool ball, pressing the ‘on’ button, hand on the stove So, from what effects do we infer God’s existence? †¢God’s effects in the world, Mozart and his music †¢Understand Aquinas’ ‘unmoved mover’ and ‘teleological’ arguments for the existence of God and articulate at least one objection to each Argument one of five : the unmoved mover (200). Everything has a cause, but causes can’t go on infinitely. The first uncaused cause is God. Objections: why must it be God? Maybe time is infinite? Telos: the end toward which a thing strives. Everything in nature has a telos. If a thing is non-intelligent, some intelligence must give it its telos. Objection: nature is not telonic in this way †¢Discuss why the question ‘can God create a stone that God cannot lift? ’ is said to be paradoxical and how Aquinas tries to resolve the paradox †¢The paradox of omnipotence: can God create a stone he cannot lift? †¢If God can, there is something God cannot do, i. e. , lift the stone †¢If God cannot, there is something God cannot do, i. e. , create the stone †¢If there is something God cannot do, God is not omnipotent †¢Therefore, God is not omnipotent †¢Ã¢â‚¬Å"So we conclude that God’s power extends to anything possible in itself and not implying contradiction. Clearly then God is called omnipotent because he can do everything possible in itself. † (p. 249). because if god cannot lift the the stone he created, he is not omintipitent and also if he cannot create that he cannot lift therefore he is not omnipotent so either way god is not omnipotent so aquinas says that god creates certain laws in the universe that he himself cannot break which is considered absolute possibility and relativee possibility is what he can change. †¢Explain what Aquinas means when he claims evil does not exist because evil does not exit because evil is absence of happiness Understand the weak and strong versions of the problem of evil and discuss Aquinas’ solution to the problem Strong version of the problem †¢If an omnipotent, omniscient, perfectly good God exists, then evil does not exist †¢Evil exists †¢ Therefore, an omnipotent, omniscient, perfectly good God does not exist Weak version of the problem †¢Evil exists †¢The non-existence of God is a more plausible explanation of evil than is the existence of an omnipotent, omniscient, perfectly good God †¢Therefore, it’s more plausible that God does not exist If an omnipotent, omniscient, perfectly good God exists, then evil does not exist Aquinas’ answer to the problem of evil †¢Why is there evil and sin in thet world? †¢Evil is the necessary result of freedom of the will †¢Thus, God does not command sin, God permits sin †¢Does God cause evil and sin? †¢Ã¢â‚¬Å"God is responsible for sinful actions but not for sins† 296 †¢Distinguish Aquinas’ conceptions of eternal, natural, and human law †¢Human law †¢ Quoting Cicero: â€Å"laws start with what nature produces, then by use of reason certain things become customs, and finally things produced by nature and tested by custom are sanctified with†¦the weight of laws† (420). Eternal law †¢God as divine legislator: â€Å"Clearly†¦the entire community of the universe is governed by God’s reason† (417). †¢Divine providence: ordering of the universe toward good †¢Natural law †¢Non-moral sense: laws of nature. †¢Moral sense: guides the actions of animals †¢Ã¢â‚¬Å"Since everything subjected to God’s providence is measured by the standards of his eternal law, as we have said, everything shares in some way in the eternal law, bearing its imprint in the form of a natural tendency to pursue the behavior and goals appropriate to it. Reasoning creatures are subject to God’s providence is a special, more profound way than others by themselves sharing in the planning† (418). Eternal law is identical to the mind of God as seen by God himself. It can be called law because God stands to the universe which he creates as a ruler does to a community which he rules. When Gods reason is considered as it is understood by God.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Comparison of Economics and Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Comparison of Economics and Marketing - Essay Example Marketing mainly is an art of making a product known to consumers by use of various marketing tools such as pricing and research, product promotions and price setting for a particular product. Economics and marketing are similar and different in several ways (Baker, Graham et al 73). Economics and marketing are similar mainly because of the business context in which they are applied. Goods and services are produced so that they are available for consumers who pay for them. In the economic system of a nation, consumers play a vital part as the target end after production. The key motivation for producers is to sell their products and services to consumers during a low consumer demand. This forms the marketing part of the production. Diverse schools of thought though argue that marketing is borrowed from economics. Trade off involving dissimilar alternatives impacts the behavior of consumers in marketing and economics. The alternatives are necessary for economics in that consumers try to decide on what to buy and not to buy based on unlimited human wants which needs satisfaction with inadequate means. In marketing, it is not just a matter of competing with competitors for buyers, but competition among unrelated different products in the market (Baker, Graham et al 84). This implies that in marketing consumers are convinced in the best brand and in the economic part, the brand has the best bargain for the cash. Consumers are willing to review the price of a commodity before they purchase it. Different consumers have a unique willingness to buying a product. This point explains well price discrimination working. Price discrimination is whereby consumers are buying similar products in the market for different prices based on their ability.

Curating a Weekend Film Festival Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Curating a Weekend Film Festival - Essay Example Man Aran Date of Release: October 18th 1934 Director: Robert Flaherty Starring: Michael Dillane, Colman King, Maggie Dirrane 4. Moana Date of Release: January 7th 1966 Director: Robert Flaherty Starring: Fa'agase Su'a-Filo, Ta'avale 5. White Shadows in the South Seas Date of Release: November 10th 1958 Director: W.S. Dyke Starring; Irvon Thalberg Catalogue/Program Essay These films have been chosen due to their belonging to the docu-fiction genre, as well as their setting on beaches. Robert Flaherty’s name conjures up an array of complex debates with regard to films and documentaries, ethics, how others are represented, the director’s role, argument, ideology, gendered imagery, collaboration, ethnography, non-preconception, community, fantasy, voice, idealized or realistic cinematography, racialized bodies, and deep immersion in one the beach field (Usai, 2008). Flaherty worked or directed only 10 fiction films in his entire career. Nanook of the North, which was releas ed in 1922, the Louisiana Story, released in 1948, and Man of Aran, released in 1934 are the popularly analyzed and recognized of his films. This, in part, is caused by the fact that these are the films that were dissected and filmed by his widow and collaborator Frances Flaherty, in the mid to late 50s, which she founded following his death at the Film Seminars held for Robert Flaherty (Christopher, 2009). She did this in order to advance his thoughts on artisanal filmmaking that he used as a way of exploration. Moana, which was released in 1926, was rarely screened because of theatrical legalities of copyright that he faced from paramount. Famous Players Lasky, a Hollywood studio that was later merged with paramount Studios and was directed in Samoa, financed the film for production (Christopher, 2009). The film occupies an obscured and awkward position in the legacy left by Flaherty. It is neither a well thought out narrative of silent film neither is it a documentary exemplar. I t is what documentary scholars have long considered as among the very first in the genre of docu-fiction. The response by Famous Players Lansky, which was lukewarm, to Moana took the Flaherty’s towards views that were anti-Hollywood, especially following the holding back of exhibition and marketing by the studio after its debut in NYC (Christopher, 2009). Following his departure from MGM production of the film White Shadows of the South Seas, he went on to exhort that doing business with Hollywood was like sailing in a boat with a glass bottom over a sewer. Famous Players Lansky, in the mid 20s, looked towards the lucrative nature of overseas markets. Walter Wagner, a producer at the studio, imported realist methods of filmmaking that connected profit motives with the increase of world knowledge through foreign film-shoots (Rugg & Sedwick, 2009). He advocated for natural drama, which is a film that constructs stories through focusing on native actors, family, and animals in t heir natural habitats. Ernest Schoesdack and Merian Cooper were incorporated into the studio and taken to Thailand for the production of Chang in 1926. Stark Love in 1927 was about N. Carolina’s mountain people, Redskin in 1929 dealt with the Navajo people, and the Vanishing Redskin In 1926 dealt with the Monument Valley. Within this context of larger markets and studios, Lasky approached Flaherty for the production of another Nanook of the North, for which he was given a blank production check (Rugg & Sedwick, 2009). Polynesian cultural imagination and fantasy as a paradise that was pastoral and uncontaminated countered industrialization and urbanization’s realities and infused it into the post WWII popular culture (Obrist &

An inevitable task of being social Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

An inevitable task of being social - Essay Example When I had to mingle and put up with these new people, I felt kind of exasperated. I knew it was something that I had to do, but I would rather have gone off with people that I knew and were familiar with. Due to these thoughts running through my head, I knew that I was a little less than friendly towards those that were trying to make acquaintances. Some of the people that I meet are a little too overenthusiastic, and it quickly becomes unbearable to spend more than enough time with them. This event sticks in my mind because I know that I did not make a good first impression with everyone and I still feel guilty about that. I am not comfortable with dealing with so many people at one given time, and I know that this showed during that specific moment. I did not feel too positive about the outcome of what took place; on the contrary, the events of the day kept coming back to mind, making me feel increasingly uncomfortable about the whole ordeal. Though this was in regards to how I ac ted, and not about the fact that I do not always like mass social situations. I always feel that there is one person too many, and it is that person that will test my nerves the most. After all had been said and poorly done, I took the time to fully consider the situation I had repeatedly put myself in that day. The bad aspects of the day had involved my negative attitude towards those that had taken to me with a more positive approach; my less-than-polite responses did very little to help how others viewed me.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Assisted Suicide Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Assisted Suicide - Term Paper Example This question is of great value to the society as well as health care practitioners. An answer to this problem can be obtained through arguments that are in favor and not in favor of assisted suicide. According to Webster, assisted suicide falls under the umbrella of euthanasia (McDougall, 2008, p.1). The term euthanasia is referred to as good death, this term is mostly used when health care practitioners ends a patient life in order to help him avoid his unbearable sufferings. Euthanasia is divided into two kinds, active and passive euthanasia. Active euthanasia refers to activities conducted to put an end to a patient’s life; it is even recognized mercy killing. Majority of the jurisdictions around the world has pronounced mercy killing as illegal and has even referred to it as murder. Passive euthanasia refers to an act of allowing a patient to die even when there are available procedures to delay the death. Examples of passive euthanasia include instances when patients den y treatments that can delay the death of a patient, this kind of euthanasia falls under the category of natural death. Body Suicide is term used to refer to an individual’s act of taking his/her own life, assisted suicide is a term used to refer to the help that an individual has while he takes his/her own life. In case of assisted suicide, the healthcare practitioner or the person providing care to the patient provides a method to the patient to take his/her own life and the patient himself, willfully adopts the provided method to put an end to his lie and suffering. Assisted suicide can either fall in the category of active or passive euthanasia, whether an act of assisted suicide is active or passive euthanasia depends on the meaning attach to the assistance provided to the patient. Examples: a drug used to take life is prescribed by a doctor to his/her patient while the doctor knows that the patient wishes to put an end to his life, a nurse supplying a medicine to the pat ient and the drug is used can put an end to the patient’s life and a health care practitioner helping the patient in every step of taking his/her own life, steps include: placement of the drug in the patients mouth, and assisting him in swallowing the drug. Pro Assisted Suicide There are various reasons due to which patients opt for assisted suicide rather than bearing the pain before natural death. One of the reasons is the lack of proper care and inhumane activities conducted by the caregivers in health care centers. This means that individuals are not being properly cared for in healthcare centers due to which a patient’s pain increases and they demand for death. Factors that have been proposed that make an individual wish for assisted suicide are threat of being isolated, pain not being cured, depression, threat of loss, feeling of helplessness and concerns regarding family. Another reason that makes individuals wish for assisted suicide is that patients know that they are ultimately going to die even if they use technology and treatment to delay, thus they opt to die rather than being unable to control their death. Due to these disturbing reasons, patients lose hope and accept death as a better alternative. According to the judicial system of US, a patient or an individual (patient) has a right to decide whether they want to live or die, patients in America obtained the right to accept

Implementation and Analysis the Dream Act Article

Implementation and Analysis the Dream Act - Article Example The DREAM act has been widely debated upon immigration policy, being either the subject of discussion or action. This policy was independently administered by the department of Homeland security. The DHS secretary, Janet Napolitano released a memorandum ordering DHS to defer the deportation process temporarily, for individuals described by the DREAM Act. The new policy is to be implemented through a department of Homeland Security directive ‘deferred action’ that lets the administration bypass congress. The implementation of this policy is thus utterly constitutional. The Congress has not only rejected the act once, but twice. This issue raises the question regarding how Americans feel about the Act (Batalova & McHugh, 2005). People affected by the act are the immigrants that do not meet all the qualifications for instance, those who do not meet the act’s education requirement. The combination of poor English skills and lack of high school diploma would be a barrier to those seeking to pursue the legal status through the military. Study shows that almost a third of the unauthorized children live below 100 percent of the federal poverty level. This reflects the hardships in paying tuition fees, transport, and other expenses. This diminishes the possibility of achieving the education level as required by the dream act (Batalova & McHugh, 2005). Some states will be affected more than others by the implementation of DREAM Act. This is due to the population sizes of potential beneficiaries. Access to education for the act’s beneficiaries would also vary from state to state due to the difference in education policies. Implementation of this policy would allow the DREAM Act to achieve its goals; to establish a path to citizenship for immigrants who were brought in the US by their parents as children. The act will

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

An inevitable task of being social Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

An inevitable task of being social - Essay Example When I had to mingle and put up with these new people, I felt kind of exasperated. I knew it was something that I had to do, but I would rather have gone off with people that I knew and were familiar with. Due to these thoughts running through my head, I knew that I was a little less than friendly towards those that were trying to make acquaintances. Some of the people that I meet are a little too overenthusiastic, and it quickly becomes unbearable to spend more than enough time with them. This event sticks in my mind because I know that I did not make a good first impression with everyone and I still feel guilty about that. I am not comfortable with dealing with so many people at one given time, and I know that this showed during that specific moment. I did not feel too positive about the outcome of what took place; on the contrary, the events of the day kept coming back to mind, making me feel increasingly uncomfortable about the whole ordeal. Though this was in regards to how I ac ted, and not about the fact that I do not always like mass social situations. I always feel that there is one person too many, and it is that person that will test my nerves the most. After all had been said and poorly done, I took the time to fully consider the situation I had repeatedly put myself in that day. The bad aspects of the day had involved my negative attitude towards those that had taken to me with a more positive approach; my less-than-polite responses did very little to help how others viewed me.

Implementation and Analysis the Dream Act Article

Implementation and Analysis the Dream Act - Article Example The DREAM act has been widely debated upon immigration policy, being either the subject of discussion or action. This policy was independently administered by the department of Homeland security. The DHS secretary, Janet Napolitano released a memorandum ordering DHS to defer the deportation process temporarily, for individuals described by the DREAM Act. The new policy is to be implemented through a department of Homeland Security directive ‘deferred action’ that lets the administration bypass congress. The implementation of this policy is thus utterly constitutional. The Congress has not only rejected the act once, but twice. This issue raises the question regarding how Americans feel about the Act (Batalova & McHugh, 2005). People affected by the act are the immigrants that do not meet all the qualifications for instance, those who do not meet the act’s education requirement. The combination of poor English skills and lack of high school diploma would be a barrier to those seeking to pursue the legal status through the military. Study shows that almost a third of the unauthorized children live below 100 percent of the federal poverty level. This reflects the hardships in paying tuition fees, transport, and other expenses. This diminishes the possibility of achieving the education level as required by the dream act (Batalova & McHugh, 2005). Some states will be affected more than others by the implementation of DREAM Act. This is due to the population sizes of potential beneficiaries. Access to education for the act’s beneficiaries would also vary from state to state due to the difference in education policies. Implementation of this policy would allow the DREAM Act to achieve its goals; to establish a path to citizenship for immigrants who were brought in the US by their parents as children. The act will

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

The Truth Is in the Kowledge Essay Example for Free

The Truth Is in the Kowledge Essay Abstract â€Å"All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover them. † Truth is education, but a person could never find the truth without being enlightened. The truth is the easiest thing to find, but many people do not care to find it. Most are more comfortable with the truth or afraid of what actually might be true. However, if they would just be optimistic and fearless they might actually experience and learn more. Anyone can find, learn, and appreciate almost anything that can be taught. And when a person can truly experience any one thing they become enlightened. Not only can this person share his experience but he can also spread the knowledge of what he had learned. Sometimes it is important to examine all possibilities because the amount you can learn can have huge impact on your life. In Mark Twain’s â€Å"Advice to Youths† and Plato’s â€Å"The Allegory of the Caves,† both authors portray that enlightening and experiencing are the two most important aspects of finding the truth. The Truth is in the Knowledge. First of all, as a child, you can find more truths simply just listening to your parents then you could if you just ignore them. The amount of respect and trust you show your parents is directly related to the amount of freedoms and trust they give back to a child. The more a child can show they can listen and learn the more their parents enable them to broaden their experiences. [In Advice to Youth, Twain states, â€Å"Most parents think they know better than you do, and you can generally make more by humoring them that superstition then you can by acting on your own judgment †] Just because you do what your parents tell you, doesn’t mean you need to believe what they’re saying. Just watch your mouth while listening, and still form your opinion down the road. That way your parents will be happy, and still think they know more. While you can still be enlightened more later on down the road. Only one thing can even compare in importance to the truth, and that is a lie. Everyone sees lying as a bad thing, but it is a very important part of life. Every aspect of lie is important; they all have an impact on the outcome in the end. [In Advice to Youth, Twain says, â€Å"Now as to the matter of lying. You want to be very careful about lying; otherwise you’re nearly sure to get caught. †] Once someone catches you in a lie; your relationship changes for the rest of your life. Some might have the tolerance to forgive but they still will have lost faith in you as person. That is why Mark Twain is saying how important lying is in finding the truth in life. You must experience both sides of lies, and learn from them. You never know what a lie might cost you. A person can have a horrible experience the worst time in their life, but as long as they pick themselves up and learn from it; one achieves the best possible outcome from their situation. When someone is down it is pretty hard to cheer them up. You should help them realize they built character and knowledge from it, and the result is a stronger person. [In The Allegory of the Cave, Plato writes, â€Å"Build your character thoughtfully and painstakingly upon these precepts, and by and by, when you have got it built, you will be surprised and gratified to see how nicely and sharply it resembles everyone else’s. †] Sometimes a person cannot help what happens in their life. That is why a lot of people look at you differently as person after you react to controversy. Some would go as far as saying that helps build character and also shows toughness. The more a person is able to experience in life; the more enlightened and knowledgeable they become. First hand experiences are the easiest, and more often than not, the most effective way to educate. There is no better way to start building memory then hands on activities with whichever subject you want to learn about. [Plato also states, â€Å"Last of all he will be able to see the sun and not mere reflections of him in the water, but he will see him in the water, but he will see him in his own proper place, and not another; and he will contemplate him as he is. †] You cannot send someone out to do a job they’ve never done before. You will end up with a mess, which is why experience is just as important as learning anything. It is also why experiencing is just as important to truth as anything else. In closing, both Twain and Plato were saying that you need to learn if you want to find the truth about anything. And when they mean learn they are talking about every single thing around someone. You can simply enjoy life more by broadening skills and learning about things near and far. It is more important to find the truth rather than being scared or avoiding it. The truth can be something bad but you’ll never come out on the positive end of it if you don’t learn from it. Not everything is wrong just because everyone says that it is. A person needs to experience to find the truth and form their own opinion.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Exploring visions of capitalism exits

Exploring visions of capitalism exits What is capitalism? Based on (Fulcher J 2004), capitalism is en essentially investment of money in the expectation of making profit. Thus, capitalism is a special social structure where both the selling and buying of commodities organized by capital dominate human economic activities. Capitalism has expanded in social relations of production, distribution and consumption. In this essay, Im going to talk about the several visions and also the terms of capitalism, also not forget how has the global capitalist systemevolved over the two centuriesà £Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å¡ There are several types of visions of capitalism exits. Liberal vision means an economy with self-regulating market with free trade and no state will step in to interference. Marxian vision which expand global system but based on exploitation of workers by capitalists and liable to crisis as result of gap between total wages and value of goods and services. Schumpeterian vision stresses the role of entrepreneur investment and saving in order to gain profit and also over-investment in the market. Polanyian vision which is stresses utopian nature of free market and dependence on state intervention, leading to social strains to generate demand for state regulation. Lastly, Keynesian vision which is try to reach equilibrium below full employment levels. In order to keep the full employment, state has to put money into the economy to restore confidence and boost demand. According to (Makoto Itoh1988) merchant capitalism has grown about two and half centuries until the middle of the eighteenth century for the explosive expansion of world trade with the invention of new continent and worldwide sea routes. It is a term described by economist that an earliest phase in the development of capitalism. Based on ((Randy Hodson,Teresa A.Sullivan 2008), merchant capitalism grew not as a way to organized production but as a way to organize trade. (Fulcher J 2004) stated that merchant capitalism is the investment in order to generate huge profit by risk and long-distance trading ventures , and the profit is the result of scarcity and distance. Merchants have to made money by investing in goods that they sold at profit. According (Makoto Itoh1988) the beginning of seventeen century mercantilism appeared as bullionism, where silver and gold was treated as treasure. Thus, the growth of wealth was measured by accumulation of these metals which served as money. So, m ercantilist known the importance of manufacturing industries and foreign trade was the source of national wealth and treasure. After that, based on (Makoto Itoh1988) mercantilism turned to a typical police balance of trade system where the total nation balance of trade rather than the balance of each individual bargain was underlined. There is argument about state should export more goods than imported in order to let foreigners pay the bullion, and only raw materials that cant extract at home should be imported. Thus, subsidies for export and creation of monopolies among the trading companies in order to encourage home production of manufactured goods. Capitalism production is specific in commercial supplied inputs and outputs of production through the market. The whole production process is restructured with the economic rationality of capitalism, which price is described the relationships between input and output. The profit depended ultimately on workers so production itself becomes directly a source of capital growth, based on the commercial exploitation of surplus labor. According to( Fulcher J 2004), capitalist production is based on wage labor and a clear line of division and conflict emerges between the owners of capital, who own what Karl Marx called the means of production and those who sell their labor in exchange for wages. Means of production are those factories, tools and the machinery to create a product. A worker can sell his labor to capitalist for a wage in any activity or investment that will bring profit to a capitalist. For the example of cotton mills, apart from heavy machinery cost, wages were the main cost o f the company. So, Wages costs were minimized by replace less skilled and cheaper labor as work together with invention of technology made this possible. On other hand, Industrial capitalism required continuous work , based on (Fulcher J 2004), workers had become, as Marx put it wage slaves. Anarchic capitalism also known as liberalization market was the stage in 18th and early 19thcenturies when industrial capitalism made its breakthrough. It was anarchic because participants can seize and defend resources without regulation. Economist Murray Rothbard defined the term of anarchy society as one where there is no legal possibility of coercive aggression against the person or property of any individual. According to anarchic capitalism, the personal activities or economic activities would be regulated by private law rather than politics yet entrepreneurs competitors will provide law enforcement, courts rather than through taxation. Anarchic capitalism argued that society should based on the voluntary trade of private property and services which consists of money, consumer goods, capitals goods or land to maximize individual liberty and wealth. (Kaletsky ) stated that the ideology is clear that a capitalist system based on private property and profit was an elemental force of nature, governed by iron laws of economics that were as immune to human manipulation as a hurricane. The general beliefs of laissez-fair which dominant throughout this 150 year period is that economics and politics are two different areas in human activity and emotion that should remain different in the interest of economic and political progress. In anarchic capitalism what is important is the way of gain property without roadblock from the compulsory state and the most economically beneficial is through voluntary trade rather than government intervention. Government intervention extensively in the economy, essentially through high and var iable trade tariffs and excise taxes in order to raise revenues. Not only that, according to (Kaletsky) there were also used to favor influential industries or social interests such as textile manufacturers or yeoman farmers. Nevertheless, according to (Kaletsky), laissez-faire capitalism has been succumbed because of its internal contradictions just like what Marx had predicted before. Anarchist romantics repulsed, according to Keyness description suggested, one of the reason might be the revolutionary groups of 1880-1915 period that exceed achievements in their destructive political impact by terrorists of PLO or IRA. So, by 1914, free market capitalism was declining and the internal contradiction that identified by Marx were toward a systemic breakdown. In 1919, Keynes warning there will be an economic catastrophe foreshadowed. Then, financial earthquakes of hyperinflation in Weimar Germany and also Great Depression happened on 1930s. Based on (Kaletsky), during nineteenth-century politico-economic system was still in death throws and capitalism had become extinct so the system has to opt for reform. Managed capitalism which born out of the economic disaster in the interwar period was begin in second half of 19th century which thrived for roughly 40 years and came to its peak in 1970s. Thus, its the policies that Keynes had been recommending to British government. The (Fulcher J2004) stated that competition and market regulation declined as both sides of industry become more organized and as state management and control increased. One of the remarkable transformation occurred in the 1930s was the invention of government economist. According to (Kaletsky), the interactions between the government and market in anarchic capitalism has been consider incidental to economic activity and generally damaging to it as government need to raise revenues by tariffs and taxes for the main reason which is fighting war. So, landlord or manufacturers have to pay for tariffs to protect them for low-cost foreign competition. There is no one belief that the working of the market will be improved eve n there is intervention of Bank England in money market and also motivation of self-interests of City London or British finance to quell panics. According to (Kaletsky), Prime minister has described that the governments reaction to Keyness early proposal to lift the British economy out of Great Depression. The macroeconomic condition was transformed by collapse of global trade and industry in early 1930. As what stated in (Kaletsky), public outrage intensified over mass unemployment, the twin threats of socialist revolution and fascist dictatorship forced democratic politicians to engage with the economy in ways that classical economist had never imagined. Next, government been offered a freedom of action by the time gold standard has been breakdown. Then, based on economists and politicians that the upshot was that if unguided by government, capitalism was ruinously and unstable. The (Kaletsky) stated that a competent government will protect the public and also economy from unavoid able anarchy of free market. But from the 1960 onwards, economy crisis hit the world. Not only Britain but also other countries like Italy, France were facing inflation and even assassination from terrorism. Thus, breakdown of the international monetary system in 1971 leads a death blows and collapsed to manage capitalism. According to (Kaletsky), a lethal combination of high inflation and mass unemployment known as stagflation appeared in the economy. After the 1979 Iranian Revolution, capitalism in this period was faced the same problem as the early one in 1930s, it had to transform itself to survive or choose to become extinct. Why did managed capitalism collapsed is probably caused of corporatist institution couldnt work in the end, government had failed to regulate prices and incomes because the cooperation wasnt been engineered between unions and employers. Remarketized capitalism period happened on 1980s after the collapsed of managed capitalism and its revival of market forces. Thus, in 1981-1982,based on (Kaletsky) monetarism has been applied to tame of inflation by revival of free or competitive markets, prevent distorted by state intervention, always keep a capitalist economy in balance, producing efficient and rational outside ,including economic stability and full employment. What causes the crisis of capitalism in 1970s? Its the consequence of errors in monetary policy. Additionally, another reason of the great inflation and breakdown of Keynesian capitalism was probably the private enterprise hard to afford the high taxes, the militant unions they empowered and especially the Increase of powerfu l labor movement brings class conflict and pressure for income redistribution. Next, Keynesian full-employment built a natural tensions over the distribution of wagers and profit between workers and capitalists in the economic system. By the late 1960s, the top priority of government policy was maintain full employment then the labor militancy intensified to achieve the escalate demand so a postwar generation of workers had grown up. Thus, according (Kaletsky), companies felt confident to pay offers that were needed to stave off labor militancy and strikes. So inflation was created as result. Government has to restore discipline into the labor market in order to stop the inflation. So, government has to abandon full employment policies and also create condition to millions workers who going to lose their jobs. In 1943, self-destruction of Keynesian full-employment was predicted by economist and he was argued that due to the labor militancy and inflation, the solution will create a new crisis of capitalism and force the capitalism system to reinvent itself again. Lastly, based on ( Kaletsky ) the thirty years epoch started with Thatcherism in 1979 and ended with the crisis of 2007-2009.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Seeking Solace in Barbara Kingsolvers The Bean Trees :: Kingsolver Bean Trees Essays

Seeking Solace in The Bean Trees Many aspects of life are explored in Barbara Kingsolver's novel, The Bean Trees. A young woman named Marietta Greer from Kentucky wanted to strike out on her own, leaving behind everything she ever knew, just to start a new life. Many children want to do this at an early age so they can experience life on their own yet they don't realize the dangers involved.. Everyone that leaves the solace of their own home needs loving support to keep them going through life. Marietta Greer starts her journey by heading west across the United States in a run-down old car. She decides at the start that wherever the car breaks down will become her new home. When she stops at a diner one night for something to eat, she is suddenly left with a baby dropped off by an elderly Indian woman with no reasons why. Marietta tells her "If I wanted a baby I would have stayed in Kentucky" (24). Continuing her lonely trek, she changes her name to Taylor and ends up keeping the child and caring for her. When she finally arrives at her unknown destination, Taylor gets a job at a tire company working for a nice lady named Mattie and moves in with Lou Ann, also a single mother. She develops close friendships with them, and they all help each other through good times and bad. Taylor starts getting stronger feelings for the child, Turtle, and eventually adopts her through deceiving means with her new friends Estevan and Esperanza. Taylor keeps in touch with her mother, and she was thrilled her mother was supportive of her decision to adopt Turtle. There are some things I would have changed about the novel to make it more interesting reading and to broaden the type of audience it addresses. In my opinion, the book was kind of targeted at a feminine audience, especially single mothers. When Taylor and Lou Ann get together, Lou Ann sounds kind of pathetic saying " Who in the world would want to move in here with us" (102), yet they develop a strong friendship regardless. I had kind of a hard time focusing on what was going on and who was doing what mainly because the story wasn't interesting enough to attract my attention. Perhaps by throwing in a little more suspense or more action, the novel would have been more fun to read.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Graduation Speech -- Graduation Speech, Commencement Address

Good evening, everyone. Now is the time for me to come in front of these 400 students in identical caps and gowns and tell them to go out and be individuals. Looks like I have my work cut out for me. Seriously, though, consider what we've gone through. 13 years of schooling, 18 years of growing up! And reflecting back on these years, what do we have to show for it? We have our memories. Some of you may know the old saying, "Knowledge is not what the pupil remembers but what he cannot forget." What will remain in our minds after tonight? What memories will become those valuable gems of unforgettable knowledge? Who in the audience knows the phases of Mitosis, or can name the capitol of Togo? Not many. But one of us will ever forget that counselor who listened to us when no one else would ... that librarian who, with the kind of vision that would put Superman to shame, saw one single book out of order on the shelves, and made sure you knew about it ... or how about that custodian who astounds us all with his uncanny ability to scoop up spilled ketchup with feline grace. We can develop our minds with information as much as we want, but the truth is, those simple, rare smiles from a caring teacher mean more to all of us than any amount of knowledge ever could. Simple gratitude is all we have to offer these educators who have shaped our lives, and still these teachers continue to give every day. Routinely, we blame them for such things as the Culminating Exhibition, overcrowded lunches, and that disgusting feeling we all have when we realize there is, once again, no soap in the bathroom. But these teachers have shaped the lives of the 150 students they see daily and have given of themselves something that is irreplaceable. Who t... ... journey now to make new memories, casting off the skin of adolescence and stepping forward into independence. Some of us will become preachers, presidents, accountants, clerks. We have in this room future post office workers, caretakers, custodians, soldiers. We even have a select few who are insane enough to pursue a teaching career. In essence, it matters not what we do, but how we do it. Walk through a room, and make it just a little brighter as you leave it. In the words of Vince Lombardi, "The quality of a person's life is in direct proportion to their commitment to excellence, regardless of their chosen field of endeavor." As we venture out into the world, take with you the riches of kindness, excellence, and caring that we have gained in our years here at Hosea. Keep them with you as you create new memories that will make us proud. Thank you, and God bless.

Friday, October 11, 2019

“Landscape with the Fall of Icarus” by William Carlos Williams Essay

The poem â€Å"Landscape with the Fall of Icarus†, by William Carlos Williams, portrays in writing the painting by Brueghel. The piece depicts the Greek myth of the tragedy of Icarus, a boy who flew too close to the sun with wax wings and fell into the sea to his death. The poem has no set rhyme scheme or meter, an example of one of Williams’ many free verse poems. After reading the poem many times, I started sensing a feeling of insignificance; that the tragic event of Icarus’ death was â€Å"quite unnoticed†. One factor contributing to this feeling was the stanza organization. Each stanza was very short, usually containing a sentence or less, and included many enjambments, â€Å"a farmer was ploughing/ his field/ the whole pageantry†, â€Å"of the year was/ awake tingling/ near†. The considerably short length of each stanza creates a feeling of unimportance; with no attempt at describing the scene in-depth, Williams just gives the reader a superficial view of the scene. There are also some stanzas that explicitly state the insignificance of Icarus’ fall, â€Å"the edge of the sea/ concerned/ with itself† and â€Å"insignificantly/ off the coast/ there was/ a splash quite unnoticed/ this was/ Icarus drowning†. The first of these stanzas relates back to the painting, where one can see Icarus drowning at the edge of the sea. As the stanza reads, â€Å"the edge of the sea/ concerned/ with itself† the idea that not even the ocean cares about Icarus drowning fills the reader’s mind. In the painting, the part that has Icarus drowning is extremely small and tucked away into the corner, away from the eye of the viewer. Williams accentuates this unimportance by writing, â€Å"insignificantly/ off the coast/ there was/ a splash quite unnoticed/ this was/ Icarus drowning†. When viewing the painting, Williams must have sensed the slightness of the accident and correctly portrays this in a variety of short and simple stanzas. While I was reading the poem for a third time I looked at the title and noticed the word â€Å"Fall†. After that I looked down at the poem itself and noticed that the stanzas were written in a short simple way to be narrow enough so that the reader can kind of sense the feeling of falling. After noticing that I also observed that the word â€Å"Icarus† appeared both at the top and bottom of the poem, and tying that with the sense of falling, I  found a connection to Icarus’ accident. The first stanza contains the words â€Å"Icarus fell† symbolizing Icarus being up high in the sky and having his wings melted off. As the poem continues down it symbolizes Icarus falling down to the ocean until finally the poem reaches the end with â€Å"Icarus drowning†, which is the end of both the poem and Icarus.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Coca-Cola and Its Global Marketing Strategies

Coca-Cola is a company that is known worldwide for its product. It is a drink that spans all ages, colors, races, and countries. The Coca-Cola Company is the world’s leading manufacturer, marketer, and distributor of nonalcoholic beverage concentrates and syrups. The world’s headquarters are located in Atlanta, Georgia, with many other locations around the country. The Company and its subsidiaries employ nearly 31,000 people around the world.Syrups, concentrates and beverages bases for Coca-Cola, the company’s flagship brand, and over 230 other Company soft-drink brands are manufactured and sold by the Coca-Cola Company and its subsidiaries in nearly 200 countries around the world (Virginia, 1). The company has been around for over 100 years, and has used this time to perfect its marketing strategy. The success of the company was built on many people with the great business knowledge and know-how to take a simple drink, and make it into a symbol that represents h umanity.This paper will focus on not only the globalization of Coke, and Coke as a company, but also what advertising and media strategies have been used to help in the discourse of its globalization. Coca-Cola is an internationally recognized drink, popular in many countries throughout the world. The company that produces the soft drink has an interesting way of distributing it around the world, which many people may not realize. You don’t get exactly the same Coke in India that you do in the US, because bottling of the drink is franchised.What occurs is the following: the company produces a concentrate with the patented formula for Coca-Cola. This remains the same wherever you purchase the product. This concentrate is then sold to companies who have purchased franchises to bottle Coca-Cola in their area. Each bottling company adds water and whatever sweeteners are used for that specific type of coke. Slight variations may occur if the bottlers don’t conform to standa rds of production. For instance using less of the concentrate than is recommended, or changing the type of sweetener used.Though the formula for Coca-Cola concentrate doesn’t change, there can be slight differences in sweetness since bottling agencies may change the amount of sweeteners used to fit the local population’s palate, and some versions of the cola are said to be sweeter or sharper in other countries. The United States has seen, especially in countries close to Mexico, a rise in the amount of Mexican Coca-Cola imported into the US and sold at a number of Mexican and Latin or South American grocery stores. Cola aficionados say there are differences between south of the border and American produced versions of the drink.They cite the fact that most Mexican bottlers add cane sugar instead of corn syrup to the formula for Coca-Cola and many people prefer the Mexican version, though at first the taste can be a little unusual. Since the cost of importing sugar cane to the United States is expensive, bottlers import the drink from countries where it’s abundant or use substitutes like corn syrup which is subsidized by the government as well (Hays, 47). Thus the main difference is the way in which the formula for Coca-Cola has ingredients added to it from one country to another.The type of water used also may create a major difference in both taste and safety. Some countries, particularly emerging countries with high levels of pollution have been under investigation for producing Coca-Cola with alarmingly high levels of pesticides. In 2003, for instance, a government independent investigatory agency in India found that water filtration was not ridding the water of substances like DDT and Marathon (Allen, 182). Several soft drinks in India, including Pepsi, were found to have toxic and unsafe levels of these chemicals.This led to a decline in sales in Coca-Cola that lasted for several years, and an outright ban on selling Coke in certain p arts of India for a short while. Technically water filtration should eliminate most of these chemicals, but the presence of higher amounts of the chemicals in certain areas may mean filtration methods aren’t adequate to the task. Coca-Cola has defended their product and claims they test all their soft drinks, wherever produced, to make sure they meet safety standards (Coca-Cola, 1).They also stand by the formula for Coca-Cola though they do recognized small differences in taste when it is bottled outside of the US. Although the taste differences are often involuntary, in many cases the taste differences between countries and regions have helped locals adopt the Coca-Cola flavors. As a result, Coca-Cola can capitalize on its growth and spread its product base even further. In order to appeal to countries that did not adopt the standardized Coca-Cola Flavors, the company decided to expand its product lines in order to appeal to foreign countries that did not have the same taste characteristics as the United States.In order to do this it developed new flavors of water, teas, juices, sports drinks and energy drinks to appeal to a larger number of people. In some cases they acquired existing companies that already had a loyal customer base and even developed some of its own products by tweaking existing recipes or creating new drinks all together. For example, in Asia soy drinks are much popular than carbonated beverages. To combat this Coca-Cola also offers its own soy beverage in the regions where as in the United States it’s very rare to see soy drinks produced by Coca-Cola (McKay, 22).This adaptation strategy has allowed greater flexibility to consumer’s tastes and growth in the company’s market share of the non-alcoholic beverage industry. Coca-Cola places its product globally depending on several conditions. The first level that needs to be examined is the macro level including Coca-Cola’s choice of continents, countries and geographic regions. Population and the proximity of natural resources to that population are the first things that Coca-Cola considers when entering new territories.If the region does not have a large enough population to purchase enough of their beverages they will focus more on regions that do. Also, if it is not efficient or cost effective to produce drinks within the country or region the company either looks elsewhere to bottle its beverages, imports its products or moves refrains from focusing on this region all together. In countries that do not have abundant resources such as sugar cane and corn syrup, it increases the cost to produce the beverage because supplies must be imported (.The Coca-Cola Company will also consider the proximity of bottling plants to the region its promoting its products to. Either the company will purchase or build a plant to cut down on costs or contract with local bottlers to sell its product to. In some cases Coca-Cola may have even establish it self in neighboring countries because it may already inhabit locations with similar cultures and preferences. Within these regions that Coca-Cola decides to inhabit, it also must choose an area that their products have the best chance of reaching the consumer.The Coca-Cola Company sells its products to bottling and canning operations, distributors, fountain wholesalers and some fountain retailers. These then distributes them to retail outlets, milk bar and corner stores, restaurants, petrol stations and newsagents. The Coca-Cola Company uses the intensive distribution strategy. The business's products are sold in almost every outlet including small shops, restaurants gas stations, schools, sports venues and vending machines. Depending on the level of popularity and extensiveness, Coca-Cola will choose areas that will have the best opportunity to sell.With these sales comes increased customer awareness and brand loyalty. The final thing that Coca-Cola must do is recognize local laws and regulations. Coca-Cola adopts a standardized practice for areas that are similar which makes it easier for Coca-Cola to distribute and sell its products (Allen, 82). In some foreign countries however, many of the taste preferences are determined by local laws, ancient religions or the countries culture. When these characteristics differ from the standard Coca-Cola model, the company adapts its products are marketing strategies to adhere to regulations and cultural norms.Coca-Cola decides if it’s then cost effective and possible to enter the market without significant barriers or alterations to its brands flavors. If the barriers are too large, the company is likely to pursue other locations. The company's beverages are generally for all consumers. However, there are some brands, which target specific consumers. For example, Coca-Cola's diet soft drinks are targeted at consumers who are older in age, between the years of 25 and 39. PowerAde sports water targets those who a re fit, healthy and participate in athletics.The Winnie the Pooh sipper cap Juice Drink targets children between the ages 5-12. This type of market approach refers to market segmentation. The Coca-Cola Company when advertising has a primary target market of those who are 13-24, and a secondary market of 10-39 (Coca-Cola, 3). In order for these beverages to reach the target markets, Coca-Cola needs to use a medium that will best reach these consumers. If advertisements are not reaching the right age group or in the tight places, sales will drop and the brand image will be damaged.For example, when advertising Diet Coke, Coca-Cola primarily advertises with in-print ads, billboards, fast food restaurants and the radio. They understand that this age group is likely to have children and spend a lot of their time driving, feeding their children and spending time at home (GSCE, 1). By using these methods they increase the chance of being exposed and having their products used. In order to reach the young adults and teens they use the internet, television and popular events such as concerts and sporting events to advertise their products.Coca Cola has researched and found that the majority of time teens spend is online or spent watching their favorite television programs. Unlike the older generations, younger generations are more likely to be electronic savvy and read less of in print advertisements. Internationally, Coca-Cola has adopted a global strategy that includes sponsoring professional sports leagues, music artists or groups and the Olympics. For example the company advertises with the NBA, World Cup Tournaments, the NCAA and popular music groups such as Maroon 5 (McKay, 13).Coca-Cola pays several million dollars in order to have the exclusive rights to advertise or partner with these events. Although it an expensive way to advertise, its benefits extend far past the cost of advertising. Millions of viewers worldwide tune into or watch these events and the bra nd exposure is enormous. Viewers are exposed to the brand and the Coca-Cola brand becomes synonymous with that popular athlete, league or artist. By paying these popular athletes and stars to endorse their products, they influence millions to buy or try the Coca-Cola brand.From there it’s up to Coca-Cola to keep the consumers to continue to use its products. In conjunction with their advertising strategy, Coca-Cola also uses specific promotions and strategies in order to gain sales. Internationally, many of these methods are similar to those found in the United States. Whether it’s to gain a first time customer, getting them to switch from other brands or keep them loyal to Coca-Cola, the company uses strategic self-selection. They purchase shelves in big departmental stores and display their products on shelves in an attractive style.Most times Coca-Cola pays more to have their products on shelves that are easier to reach and are more likely to be seen than the shelve s that other companies use. Coca-Cola is one of the leading companies to take advantage of end caps and special racks that they give to outlets to promote specific products. Often time’s salesman of the coca cola company positions their freezers and their products in eye-catching positions. Normally they keep their freezers near the entrance of the stores or in high traveled areas.The company recently introduced a revolutionary electronic vending machine that has hundreds of Coke flavors on hand that even can be mixed from one single machine. The machine is called the â€Å"Freestyle† and offers a totally new and innovative approach to the standard vending machines (Coca-Cola, 1). The company also does sponsorships with different college and school's cafes and sponsors their sports events and other extra curriculum activities for increasing market share among younger demographics. The majority of the Coca-Cola Company's products are sold in retail stores, convenient st ores, petrol stations etc.Although the pricing methods/strategies are set by those the company sells to, it does suggest specific guidelines and have some restrictions on pricing and trade. For example gas stations and convenient stores usually sell Coca-Cola products at a fixed price, where restaurants have more freedom on what they can charge. In a majority of places competition-based pricing is used. Coca-Cola products are usually priced below, above or equal to its competitors' prices. For example, during Easter (2010) sale periods the average price for a 2 liter Coca-Cola was 1. 7 and a 2 liter Pepsi bottle sold for 1. 83 on average (Virginia, 3). In order to generate more sales and clear additional product, Coca-Cola also adopts a discount price strategy. Coca-Cola products are often marked down during sale periods and special occasions. For example Coca-Cola often will send out coupons for an amount to be taken off the cost of a specific product or allow the markdown below MA P pricing to make room for new sales or products. One of the most obvious pricing strategies Coca-Cola uses is psychological pricing.Often times there advertised prices end in seven or five, which is below other competitors such as Pepsi. The Coca-Cola Company also gives trade incentives to its retailers to generate more revenue. For example, the company will send free samples and product to have events which allow consumers to try a product for nothing. As a result of this by this these retailers and middle man push their product in the market following â€Å"Seen as sold†. Lastly, the Coca Cola Company changes their product prices according to the season. For example, summer is supposed to be a good season for beverage industry in Pakistan (Hays, 96).So in winter they reduce their prices to maintain their sales and profit In essence, the examples above reveal that global marketing is not necessarily an all or nothing proposition. The Coca-Cola Company has the freedom to cho ose from many possibilities on the spectrum from total standardization through to complete customization. Clearly there are circumstances where they can gain competitive advantage through increased standardization of products and marketing, especially with respect to keeping costs down and building brand power.On the other hand, in conditions where national market differences are more marked, this strategy would harm the company and its reputation. By making standardization decisions using target market conditions as its starting point, the company insures that in the long-term customers are being offered what they want. Although Coca-Cola can seemingly gain a great deal from a standardized agenda, its decision to combine global and local resources is ultimately more long-standing in a market where national customer differences are influential.Coupled with strategic pricing and being a low cost leader, the Coca-Cola Company has enjoyed over a hundred years of success which continues to grow every day. The company uses its branding power and size to promote its products even further, which influences even more consumers to try the brand or switch from previous used brands. Regardless, Coca-Cola has been extremely successful in their international marketing mix and continues to dominate global beverage sales.